Thursday 11 November 2010

11.11.10 at 11:00

Parents may ring asking for money to pay for their next train ticket.

Professionals may call requesting information on a child recently placed in foster care.

Colleagues may moan when they can't understand where their latest report has "disappeared" to.

But I will be wearing my poppy and sending silent thanks to those who have died in the wars, to their families and to all the Army boys and girls who are built with something special. 

I know I won't be the only one but it is the least I can do.

Friday 5 November 2010

Good morning Bloggers!

So here it is, my first blog!

Not as emotional as my first day at school.  Nor is it as jubilant as my first bike ride after retiring the stabilisers, however it's my first blog and I am rather pleased with myself for FINALLY completing the design stage of the journey.

Bear with me as I get to grips with making revelations, gossiping and putting my job at risk, hopefully I will be able to provide those who are interested with wonderful insights into the organisation I work for.

Good luck to me!