Thursday 11 November 2010

11.11.10 at 11:00

Parents may ring asking for money to pay for their next train ticket.

Professionals may call requesting information on a child recently placed in foster care.

Colleagues may moan when they can't understand where their latest report has "disappeared" to.

But I will be wearing my poppy and sending silent thanks to those who have died in the wars, to their families and to all the Army boys and girls who are built with something special. 

I know I won't be the only one but it is the least I can do.


Charlie Juliet said...

Incidentally, when the clock struck 11:00 this morning I announced the occasion. Some people carried on their conversations, some people even picked up the phone to start a conversation, some worked away quietly and then there was one that walked into the room and mumbled something about how strangely quiet it was in the other room.

Now I like to consider myself young - my father came well after WWII - but I felt slightly disillusioned when I observed (and heard) my colleagues (even those older than my father) carrying out the silence with less (if any) respect than me. Something just didn't feel right.

Maybe I am just being young and naive.

Hogdayafternoon said...

I hope you enjoy your bloogings. I'll drop by.

I missed the Sunday silence yesterday, but managed to share the moment on the 11th. My Grandfather was a soldier in 1914, Uncles were servicemen in 1939-45, (one of them saved many of his chums lives but never told his family) so I can give them several minutes of silence at any time of the year and thank people like you for yours. Just do it your way. In order to maintain my own sense of calm and dignity I took on the notion, still held, that `I always look for the best in people....and consequently am always surprised and delighted when I find it`.

Hogdayafternoon said...

Tip. Check twice for typo's or you may end up blooging too.